2013년 8월 12일 월요일

Nami Island & Pettite France


It is a long story my friend~
It was Saturday/August 10, me and my boyfriend decided to go on a road trip since we haven't go to trip for almost a year. Then, we came up with an idea to rent a car, and go on trip with some friends of ours. At night, I texted my friends, Sonia and Cornelio, asked them if they wanted to join us. And what I guessed was right, because I know well my friends. They never say NO for this kind of program "TRIP and PARTY". Our destination was Gyeonggindo. We four decided to visit Pettite France and Nami Island. 

So, the next morning, Sunday/August 11, my boyfriend and I went to the place of car rental. We were so excited. However, because it was my boyfriend's first time of experiencing driving in the city, Seoul, he felt a little nervous to drive around. The problem was that, he was unfamiliar with the both Korean highways and expressways. Of course there's navigation in the car, but still it's confused. 

So, we stopped at "Amsa-dong Prehistoric Settlement Site" which is not far from the place of car rental. It was our second time to the place as well.

The ticket only costs 500 won ($0.50) per person

The guide brochure is also available at the information desk
You can get it for no charge

Once you enter, you will see these high-collared jars

There, we discussed whether we could make it or not, I mean the plan to go to Nami Island and Pettite France due to the problem of unfamiliar with the streets.

The weather was damn hot at 12:00 PM, but super sunny though. While we walked around, we talked and thought to decide. And finally, he asked me to text Sonia and Cornelio, told them that we couldn't make it. They felt so disappointed, so did I. 

Then, my boyfriend and I drove inside the city for a while to be familiar a little with the city. After around one hour, we then went to Sincheon, Sogang University and had lunch there. We ordered Spaghetti and Oriented Seafood rice for lunch. But again, while we were waiting for our order, he changed his mind. Oh Yeah!!! I felt happy. He said he wanted to drive us to the destination that we canceled a few hours before. 

I then called Sonia and Cornelio to come to Sogang without letting them know that we will go to Nami Island and Pettite France. 

Before we finished our lunch, Sonia arrived. While eating we tried to discuss something else, but it didn't work due to the complaint by Sonia about the sudden cancellation of the trip. I was going to laugh but I tried hard to hold it. She had no idea about the last decision that my boyfriend and I made. But, later on, she found out by seeing some photos of my boyfriend and I with the same outfit, and with the car on the camera. 

We almost finished our meals, but still Cornelio didn't appear on time. After 20 minutes of the appointment time, he then showed up. He had no idea at all. He did the same thing as Sonia. He started complaining as soon as he arrived. We three tried hard not to laugh in order to surprise him anyway.

We walked the way to Bellarmino dormitory, because we parked the car nearby the dormitory. And when we reached, I opened the car, and he was WTH??? LOL~~DAH~~he surprised finally! And yeah he felt HAPPY as well of course since it was his first time to Nami Island and Pettite France after living here in Korea for five years. 

And we set our destination on the navigation, aaaannnddddd GO GO GO~~~~~

Here are the photos that we were taken during the trip. 

The interior design of the restaurant that we went for lunch
Songang University

While waiting for our order, I captured some views of the restaurant interior design  

Otw to pick Sonia and Cornelio up 

So cool, and I have no idea where was this

Selfie time babe

Oh yes!!! Excited!!!

Us at Pettite France!  Thanks GOD we arrived sound

The boys

Again the boys in action

I am single girls! Who wants to sit next me??? LOL

The GIRLS at Nami Island
나미섬의 가로수길

Crazy act

He’s doing his silly thing here

Otw Back home

On the way back home, I swear we were stuck in the same place for almost 2 hours because of the TRAFFIC JAM. But, it was OK since every one of us enjoyed that TRAFFIC JAM. LOL. 

Overall, it was tiring, however, I had so much fun did trip with these awesome people, and so did they. I hope we will set another program.

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