2013년 8월 13일 화요일

Graduation Day

My Big Day

Tuesday, August 13

Thank you Jesus JJJ ! 
Yesterday, August 13. The most important day of my life just happened. The word graduation means more than a ceremony for me. It changed my life, to reach a higher stage of my life, the time to become a new person, the time to grow up, the time to follow my dreams and separate responsibilities from fun. In short, every beginning comes from another beginnings end. 

I still cannot believe that I did it. 4 years I studied at Sogang University, I faced hard times and got stress almost all the time. If I looked back at those moments that I've been through, there're not so many memorable moment that I've made, all that I could remember are pains. 

However, I still feel happy that finally I can say good bye to Sogang University J. I have been dreamed that I wanted to leave this school as soon as possible, so that I could start again my life from the very beginning again because I could not hold more those pains that I got. And finally, the time has come. 

Below are my graduation photos that were taken at Sogang University. These photos are really mean a lot to me. They contain every single different moments as well as the feeling that that I felt at that time.

Behind me is Ricci Hall. It houses the Mathematics and Computer Science Departments as well as the research Institute for Technology. I used to spend most of my times for studying there.

My best friend Sonia and me at Sogang University's sports ground

Well, let me introduce my school. The school that I just graduated from is Sogang University. I know that it is enough to you if I call the university's name because you can get complete information from Google or any other search engines. But, I am sorry that I still want to describe a little bit about Sogang University.

Sogang University is a Catholic School, well known as "International High School" in South Korea. Located in downtown Seoul, Sincheon, Sogang was established in 1960 by American Jesuits. Because of its US-style education system and strong financial support from the Jesuits, it quickly became one of the top universities in South Korea. Although the university's leadership is secular these days, the university maintains the Jesuit tradition of high academic standards and an emphasis on good citizenship. Incoming undergraduates typically belong to the top percentile of high school students.

Here is the photo of me with my family in front of a tower. The tower is a symbol of Sogang University, the Albatross, is named after the white bird of the sea and is shaped in the image of the character "" and "" of the Korean alphabet. The characters are the first two letters of Sogang written in Korean. At the central part of the monument (or tower) are the words "Obedire Veritatis", which means "Obey the Truth" in Latin. 

From left: Mr. Caetano Guterres (Ambassador of Timor-Leste to South Korea), 
Me, and my sweatiest boyfriend Avelino 
in front of Albatross Tower, Sogang University symbol

The motto of my school Sogang University:
                "Be as Proud of Sogang as Sogang is Proud of You"

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