2012년 8월 24일 금요일

JEJU ISLAND - Tab-dong Theme Tourist Street

탑동 테마관광 거리 산책
Tab-dong Theme Tourist Street

Today was a busy day for us. We did pack our stuffs for sending them back to Seoul, because tomorrow is the last day for us to stay in Jeju Island. It was light raining outside there. We went down to the city hall for sending our stuffs by post office. It's annoying when you have a lot of stuffs with you during your trip. So, in order to reduce those annoying things, we decided to send them before going back to Seoul.

After finishing all the things, we went to a nearby Tom and Toms Coffee shop. We ordered a cup of Americano coffee and chocolate butter buffer. It cost not that much. During 2 hours we spent our time in the coffee shop, and then we passed by Burger King to order a set of Burger and headed to Tab-dong Theme Tourist street.

Banner Map of Tab-dong Theme Tourist Street

Me in front of the ocean snail sculpture at Tab-dong Theme Tourist Street

  When we were strolling along the street, we found this big octopus sculpture on the seawall.

An Octopus sculpture

Yes!!! JEJU

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