2011년 12월 21일 수요일

FULL HOUSE ~ Si Island

Full House and The sad Love Song Set
           My sister is just like me. We both love travelling, and love everything about Korea. Last winter vacation she came to visit me, and she persuaded me to take her to Si Island which is close to the Incheon International Airport. The Island is one of the filming locations of Korean dramas, Full House and The Sand Love Song.

Our first destination: Full House filming location 

Our second destination: The Sad Love Song filming location 

The sisters @ Sommok port

    To get to the island, we took Incheon International Airport direction subway, and got off at Unseo station (운서역), and then took a taxi to Sammok Port. After arriving at sammok port, we went to the ticket station and bought 3 two-way tickets.
   My sister looked so excited, me and my boyfriend was happy to see her happy like that. I was there last year, so I knew the place quite well. We took a ferry from Sammok port to Si island, and it took us around 20~30 minutes.  

Couple boat @ Sammok Port ^^ 

The lonely single boat @ Sammok Port :(

Sammok Port view from ferry

Ferry leaving Sammok Port 

     After we got to the island, we took a bus which is going to the location. However the bus does not go directly to the location, we got off at the intersection which leads us to a rented bike place. It took about 2 minutes to get there. We rented three bicycles and rided to our destination. 

My sister with her favorite Korean actor Rain ()

Bi Rain and Song Hye Kyo

       The filming location of Full House is located near the beach. As I mentioned the weather was cold (it was winter anyway), but not cloudy. It was sunny and beautiful. When we reached that place, there were not so many people (visitors). They were trolling at the beach taking pictures. None of them are foreigner people, except us. 
       To enter the house which is used mainly by Full House drama, we had to buy ticket which cost us 5000 won each person. My boyfriend didn't want to enter the house, so I got two tickets for me and my sister. 

Behind her is the house where the drama was setting 

     We went to the house and took a bunch of pictures. While we were inside busy with the photos, my boyfriend was walking around the beach side. 

Song Hye Kyo's bedroom 

Capture of drama Full House episode 10
Bi took care of 
 Song Hye Kyo when she was sick

There are lot photos from different scenes of drama Full House 
that hanging on the whole wall inside the room

Wedding picture of Bi and Song Hye Kyo

My sister inside the house

Drinking Hite beer scene 

The yellow bike is the bike that Bi uses for teaching Song Hye Kyo

Bi teaches Song Hye Kyo how to ride the bike

      After that, we then headed to the second destination which was the Sad Love Song set. It took us 10 minutes by riding bike  to get there. I love riding to the place because I felt so good. After we got there, unfortunately we cannot enter the house. We just looked around the house and took some pictures. 

From left: my sister, me, and my boyfriend at
"The Sad Love Song" set

     Finally, time showed 5 pm. We had to go back to the port before the ship stopped the operation. Thanks God, when we reached to the port, the ship was still there. We waited for 20 minuter before riding the ship, so during our waiting we ate odeng and ojingo. 
     I think the island itself would be a nice place for people who love to walk on the beach, picnic or bathing. It is is quite rural and there are few commercial establishments also no apartment building. 

One of my Favorite photo 
Me and my sister were waiting for the ferry

The view of Sindo Port

Beautiful sunset at sea, Sindo Port

     If you wanna get more information, visit this website: 

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